Ultimate GH Booster - Essential Minerals to Raise GH of RO Water
- 1lb/bag
- provides Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), and Sulfur (S) to aquarium plants, essential macronutrients.
- Our Ultimate GH Booster, increases general hardness of aquarium water, and provides potassium (K), Mg, Ca, and Sulfur (S) to plants.
- use to raise general hardness (GH) in soft water or RO (reverse osmosis) water, and stabilize aquarium water pH.
Deficiency Symptoms: chlorosis, necrosis, distorted or curling leaves, stunted plant and root growth
Guaranteed Analysis:
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 22.3%
- Calcium (Ca) - 9.64%
- Magnesium (Mg) - 1.42%
- Sulfur (S) - 17.29%
How to dose GH Booster in your planted aquarium
To raise GH by approximately 1 meq/L (3dH/dGH), add 16g (1 tbsp) per every 80L (20 gal) of RO or DI aquarium water, upon tank install or after water change. Target GH varies per tank, in general target GH is 1-2 meq/L (3-6 dH). A GH KH test kit should be used to verify the actual result achieved.
Your addition of 16 g (equivalent to approximately 3 tsp or 1 tbsp ) GLA GH Booster to your 20gal aquarium adds:
- Ca 13 - 17ppm
- Mg 5 - 7ppm
- K 26 - 32ppm
- S 29 - 35ppm
- dGH 3 - 4
NOTE: The above values assume you are using distilled or RO water.
Customer Reviews
Exelente producto
Exelente producto solo deberían poner a su experiencia cuánto poner de gh
Best solution for me
I use this to remineralize RO water. My plants and discus like it at the concentration described by GLA in the directions. Easy enough!
GH booster
The best remineralizer I’ve found. Dissolves fast, very consistent results. Two options for containers and a perfect price for both. GLA has the most consistent fert chems in a house brand that I’ve seen so far. Packaged very handsomely too. They could only make this gh booster better if they had Gh+Kh blend offering a way to boost the kh 1 dkh per 20g recommended dosing… Or offer a KH booster line by itself.
The Best
I have been using GLA GH booster for several years. Very economical and simply the best.
Ultimate GH booster
Used a number of mixes for my RO starting out but have used this product for years now. consistent results and quality is consistent. Thanx GLAA